產 品 名 稱 :

MS 電子耳標 GS1 UHF(超高頻) 母頭 (300個) 幼仔豬 Ø29.3mm

波克產編:MSTA136.03 (300個-母頭)
MS Tag 圓形 UHF 小耳標是一款耐用、高品質的公頭電子耳標,適用於仔豬。透過RFID電子識別系統,可以自動識別動物並自動收集和記錄動物資訊。

另售公頭:MSTA057.09 (MS Tag Round LIM-ORALPBLPB100) (※參見如下表格)


耳標可以使用可攜式或固定式 UHF 耳標讀取器進行掃描。

提前詢問您的自動化公司是否支援 GS1 標準!
‧ UHF技術(超高頻)
‧ 雷射列印
‧ 這些 UHF 耳標根據國際 SGTIN-96 GS1 標準進行編程
‧ ISO 標準 18000-6C EPC Class 1 Gen 2
‧ 耐磨
‧ 靈活的掃描範圍
‧ 頻率:860-960 MHz




MS Tag Little 耳標鉗 (不含針)
MS Tag Little 耳標鉗針


MS Tag Round GS1 UHF LIF 母頭顏色一覽
  產編 圖片 品名 數量
1. MSTA129.01 MS Tag round GS1 UHF LIF-BLUOPPRPB1000 1000
2. MSTA129.02 MS Tag round GS1 UHF LIF-ORAOPPRPB1000 1000
3. MSTA129.03 MS Tag round GS1 UHF LIF-WHIOPPRPB1000 1000
4. MSTA129.04 MS Tag round GS1 UHF LIF-YELOPPRPB1000 1000
5. MSTA136.01 MS Tag round GS1 UHF LIF-BLUOPPRTR300 300
6. MSTA136.02 MS Tag round GS1 UHF LIF-GREOPPRTR300 300
7. MSTA136.03 MS Tag round GS1 UHF LIF-ORAOPPRTR300 300
8. MSTA136.04 MS Tag round GS1 UHF LIF-YELOPPRTR300 300
MS Tag Round LIM 公頭顏色一覽
  產編 圖片 品名 數量
1. MSTA057.04 MS Tag Round LIM-WHILPBLPB100 100
2. MSTA057.05 MS Tag Round LIM-REDLPBLPB100 100
3. MSTA057.06 MS Tag Round LIM-BLULPBLPB100 100
4. MSTA057.07 MS Tag Round LIM-YELLPBLPB100 100
5. MSTA057.08 MS Tag Round LIM-GRELPBLPB100 100
6. MSTA057.09 MS Tag Round LIM-ORALPBLPB100 100

※ 商品現貨為主,諮詢歡迎加入LINE@ ID: @pocmedical 或 連結: https://lin.ee/zZKLr31



材料 Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU)
厚度 11.5 mm
直徑 29.3 mm
Weight UHF per piece 2.60 克



   ●UHF 耳標不適合在餵食站使用。
   ●公頭部分(with pin)必從耳後插入。
   ●適用於:所有MS Tag Little 公耳標配件。



   ●A code is stored in the transponder, which allows the animal to be recognized. The transponder only activates when the ear tag reader sends out an electromagnetic signal. This prevents the animal from noticing the chip itself. The signal activates the chip and the animal’s code is sent to the scanner, which identifies the animal and determines whether or not the information can be processed automatically.

   ●UHF stands for Ultra High Frequency and refers to the extremely high amplitude of the radio waves. This high frequency allows the transfer of information to occur much more quickly than at lower frequencies such as those used in FDX and HDX technology. Furthermore, the scanning distance is much greater, which gives UHF ear tags a broader range of application. A drawback is that UHF technology is more sensitive to obstacles such as metals and fluids, which can disrupt contact between the transponder and the reader.

